Social Cognitive Theory And Self-Leadership

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In this sections of the paper I will be discussing about section #1- Explain Social Cognitive Theory and what it means to self-leadership and Who are the leaders that you feel exemplify social cognitive theory? The first part I will be discussing is about is what Social Cognitive Theory actually is. Social Cognitive Theory is a process when someone learns by watching their other coworkers do the exact same job that they need to know how to do. “In social cognitive theory, people are seen as self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting, and self-regulating rather than as simply reactive organisms shaped by environmental forces or driven by basic inner impulses” (Chen, Nabi, Pajars, & Prestin, 2009). I feel that Social Cognitive Theory and self-leadership …show more content…

Describe how effective natural rewards can make a difference in leadership outcomes. What can you learn from Rudy’s pursuits of his goals? In this first section I will be discussing about concept of natural, self-rewards, self-leadership performance, and effective natural rewards can make a difference in leadership outcomes. I believe being in a leadership positions you have to show encouragement to employees. If you reward employees, I fell you would get more out of them. Having reward shows employees that you appreciate what job they do for you. But, employees should also self-reward themselves after a job well done. “Enjoyment of such an image after completion of each difficult task can help us maintain the motivation we need as we face our labors” (Neck, Manz, & Houghton, 2017). With having this self-rewards and natural rewards really helps employees to know they have really done a well job. The next topic is what can you learn from Rudy’s pursuits of his goals? What we learn from Rudy’s goals is that goal setting can really help you getting to your goal that you have set. When people get rejected through life they seem to move away from what they were heading for. But, Rudy showed that giving up on his long term goal was not an option. “Rudy’s actions show the reward of effective self-leadership” (Neck, Manz, & Houghton, 2017). “As self-leaders- directing our own lives by setting long-term goals, setting short-term goals to achieve those bigger ideals, and tirelessly persisting toward reaching our goals-we enjoy personal excellence in life” (Neck, Manz, & Houghton, 2017). He is a huge inspiration on self-setting goals and not giving up when times look

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