Social And Biological Factors Of Anti-Social Behavior

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Human Nature is defined as the general characteristics and behavioral aspects of mankind that is shared among all humans. However, pertaining to antisocial behavior others’ are more likely to act on impulses, experience lack of guilt, and disregard normalcy in society. Through exaggerated self-worth, and the ability to easily manipulate peers, they are known to use extreme exploitation. Therefore, are we born to crime as the classical criminologists believe, or with positivists who think specific social and biological factors of crime are simply presented to us?
In my opinion, we are not born criminals. I agree with positivists that crime is predetermined for some individuals. Positivists believe life of crime is beyond the control of a person, …show more content…

Without education, wealth, or opportunity, people will seek out what gives them pleasure. In a life of poverty, lack of family support, and no education, individuals find committing crime almost as second nature, and anti-social behavior becomes their way of life. Examples of anti-social behavior include being impulsive and disregarding others’. The pleasure criminals get from committing crimes outweighs the pain, and therefore does not deter them from such acts. It is almost pre-determined that someone will become a criminal based upon how and where they are raised. Individuals are influenced by their family and peers causing them to possibly be prone to a life of crime. If they are not getting support at home, they may seek out gang life in order to feel wanted, and this provides a sense of stability in individuals’ lives’. There are minimal deterrents to stop those who go into a life of crime and poverty encourages criminal behavior. Crime could be minimalized if programs could be enforced to provide a stable environment and safe environment to those who are disadvantaged. This could implement values into individuals who are not taught otherwise. The behavior of criminals is closely related to social aspects rather than biological, therefore a disorganized society does in fact create

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