Soccer Field-Personal Narrative

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The sights and scenes which people witness throughout their lifetime can create an everlasting impression upon them. Whether a particular setting is a personal spectacle to treasure or an ordinary space shared by many, the emotional impact of viewing a particular scene is where it’s true significance resides. In my case, I was most deeply affected by a scene when I first laid eyes on a soccer pitch. There is nothing extraordinary about the green patch of land designed to host a soccer game at Pete Pallitto Field. However, the memories I made their and the people I shared them with makes that ordinary field a special scene in my mind. Due to my emotional attachments to the sport and the players associated with it, the soccer field is a scene which has deeply affected me. …show more content…

Obviously, soccer game cannot be played properly by yourself. When I was growing up, I was not the most social nor was I the most athletic. The idea of playing a sport such as soccer left my young mind as soon as it entered. Ironically, I eventually made friends who were all soccer fanatics. I became interested in the sport very rapidly sheerly through association. When the time finally came and I was invited to play with them, the very sight of the field represented an acceptance into a new crowd of people and a promise of adventure.
The soccer pitch itself was a beautiful piece of scenery. A bright yellow sun shone brilliantly over the entire emerald expanse which was parallel to a sparkling bay. The combination of the salty smell of the air and the constant, cooling breeze constituted to the luster of the field. The environment hosted an air of peace and tranquility, complimenting the competitiveness which would arise whenever a game would start. These attributes of the soccer field made it memorable and impactful when I had my first viewing of the

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