Snap Challenge Research Paper

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SNAP Challenge When the SNAP Challenge was first introduced in class I was excited and thought that it seemed like an interesting project that would be relatively easy. The first day I began working on the project I knew that I hadn’t given it enough credit. I never realized how difficult it would be to create seven meals, especially meals that met the food pyramid guidelines. I realized I wasn’t even sure of what the different food pyramid guidelines were so my first step in the project was looking those up so I could try to create my meal plan set they met them all. My next challenge was coming up with different meals. I had many different ideas in my head but I knew they would all add up to be more than my budget so I had to strategize while still trying my best to keep it nutritious. Another challenge was the grocery shopping itself. I knew that the idea of the project was to show how difficult it is to create healthy meals while on a budget. I spent time looking up different coupons and deals that would allow me to get the most out of my money. While I was at the store looking up prices I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get everything I had on my list, even with the coupons and deals, so I had to prioritize. I wouldn’t say the project was relatively easy, but I also wouldn’t …show more content…

In fact, I hopped into my car and drove to the store, not even having to worry about taking the bus or finding a way to get there. Not having the resources that I’m accustomed too would have made meal planning a lot more challenging. Instead of just having to worry about planning nutritious meals and staying within budget, there would have been the added stress of how am I going to get to the store or how am I going to store this food and keep it good for the rest of the week. These different things would have provided more of a challenge to the project and possibly more

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