Smoking in Public Areas

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Smoking in Public Areas

One thing that really 'gets up my nose' is inhaling other people's

stale cigarette smoke against my will. It's about time that's smoking

in public places in this country was stamped out once and for all.

There is nothing worse than coming home from a night out at a nice

restaurant or a party and finding that your clothes smell disgusting

because they have been saturated with the stench of smoke. I'm not the

only person who is fed up with this, but I'm not against other people

smoking; I just wish that I had a choice whether or not I came home

smelling like a dirty ashtray.

Another thing I really hate is walking down the street behind someone

with a cigarette. Every time they exhale, out comes that cloud of

stale smoke and bang, you walk straight into it and aside from

crossing over to the other side of the street there is very little you

can do about it. It is not a pleasant experience and it is something I

could live quite happily without. I know there are a lot of people in

this country that smoke who become annoyed with people telling them

about their bad habit, but the simple fact is that smokers are

affecting the health of non-smokers as well as their own. Hundreds of

people die each year just because they have breathed other people's

smoke. That is something we should be taking seriously. In my opinion

an outright ban on smoking in public places is the only way forward.

Researchers in Argentina examined two thousand non-smokers' health and

concluded a number of things. Those who lived with a spouse who smoked

more than twenty cigarettes a day had nearly two and a half times the

risk of lung cancer more than those married to a non-smoker. They also

concluded that those married to a lighter smoker or those who came

into direct contact with a smoker at work or other places still saw

their risk of lung cancer double. When high risk factors such as high

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