Smarter Balance Essay

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Smarter Balance Essay-Financial Literacy Financial literacy is a much needed, extremely valuable course that should be added to all schools’ curriculums. Unfortunately, students and adults alike today often have no idea how to deal with financial matters and manage their money; something should be done about this. Students should leave high school with a good idea of how they are going to handle their money in order to live a prosperous life in the future. Adding a financial literacy class requirement just makes sense. The purpose in high school is to teach us how to survive adult life, so why aren’t we learning about one of the most important aspects of it? In order to make sure students are successful later in life, we need to teach …show more content…

They believe that these classes will just be a waste of money on a class that won’t properly prepare students for the real world of finance. Some claim that, “they may actually hurt, in part by making their graduates overconfident about limited skills” (Burns). Some believe that students who attend high schools with required financial classes won’t learn as much as is intended, and will leave high school with too much confidence, and will end up making rash decisions. They claim that the classes are just a waste of time and money, because many students wouldn’t even pay enough attention to them to actually learn anything. People also claim that, “we shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that adding a household finance class to a high school curriculum will in itself create knowledgeable consumers who can understand today's wide array of financial products” (Thaler). People claim that adding one mandatory class won’t help, and that it doesn’t even touch upon what students need to live an adult life. If students are only required to take one of these classes, they won’t learn even near to enough. Financial literacy classes are refuted by many, even though the data highly supports these

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