Small Catechism Analysis

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Luther’s Catechism, especially the Small Catechism, is widely spread in the Lutheran world. It has been published in more languages than any other book except the Bible. It is largely distributed in areas where Lutheranism was officially introduced and used as instructional material in church and school. People might say that the Small Catechism is a handbook of Christian Doctrine, manual of Christian doctrine, or some other names for it. In the other words, people still appreciate Luther’s work on the Small Catechism, even though it was first published almost 500 years ago. This appreciation given in acknowledges of the fact that the Small Catechism is a compact form the most essential message of the Bible. It has theological implication in …show more content…

Outcomes-based approaches privilege particular forms of knowledge (to the exclusion of other ways of knowing) which, it is assumed, can be measured, as well as promoting deterministic thinking which serves to create categories into which learners can be placed, accepting labelling of the Other as a natural occurrence

Law and Gospel are the two great doctrines of the Bible. Both elements of Christian teaching which are written in the Scripture should be introduced through religious education. It can help people to understand that the understanding of Law and Gospel can be used to help them nurture their relationship with God and also with other creations. Faith is expressed by human beings in their religious and secular contexts

Luther did not invent these doctrines nor take them from other non‐biblical sources. Rather he took them directly from the Bible. The explanations that follow these individual catechetical questions show that the Catechism’s teachings fully agree with the …show more content…

Luther was constantly under attack from church authority and he could use his Small Catechism to attack bluntly and harshly when he felt that was necessary, but he was constantly contending for the truth, he made positive statements explaining the Bible’s truths.

The Internal Theological Structure of the Small Catechism
The Small Catechism divides into five major sections, the Ten Commandment, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, and the Holy Communion. The structure of the Small Catechism is able to mirror its internal theological structure. Its internal theological structure can be seen in its two main topics: Law and Gospel. On the one hand, the Ten Commandments deal primarily with Law. On the other hand, other sections continue to show concern for the Gospel.

Luther stated his idea of the benefits of the Lord’s Supper by pointing on these words, “Given and shed for you, for the remission of sins.” It is clear from these words that “forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation are given us. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.” There is a wonderful word of promise here related to the eating and drinking of Christ’s body and blood. It is the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ who is giving us His body and blood, which He offered up for us on the

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