Martin Luther's 95 Theses

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Martin Luther's 95 Theses In 1517, Martin Luther wrote what would lead to the Protestant Reformation, the 95 theses (Pavao). Luther's theses is composed of ninety- five statements about the Roman Catholic Church that he didn't agree with, by posting his theses on the doors of the cathedral at Wittenberg he was looking to engage in debate with fellow theologians (Pavao). In a matter of weeks Germans that agreed with him about Church practices were printing and spreading his theses. The following will be a discussion of the 95 theses and some of the ideas presented that give an idea of the problems in the Church of his time. One of the most prevalent issues presented in Martin Luther's 95 theses is the purchase of indulgences. Indulgences may have been an attractive alternative to confession based on the types of questions that would be asked such as, have you thought about committing adultery, and have you cursed or insulted your parents (Kishlansky, Geary, and O'Brien). In the beginning indulgences did not replace penance, but were supplemental, however, as time went on indulgence...

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