Slip Trip And Fall Case Injury

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When an individual slips, trips or falls and sustains injuries because the surface he or she was walking on has some type of defect, or is slick, a lawsuit may be filed. Issues the frequently lead to a slip, trip or fall include ice, water, soap, oil, cracks or holes. These issues can cause an individual to lose his or her balance and fall to the floor.
Elements of a Slip, Trip and Fall Case

If an injury occurs due to the condition of a property, the injured has to prove that the property owner was negligent. Negligence refers to the property owner knowing about the problem and choosing to ignore it or that the owner should have been aware of the dangerous condition and failed to take action. Actions that could be taken include roping the …show more content…

A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon stretches, or tears. Tendons are fibrous cords of tissues that connect the muscles to the bones. Strains frequently occur in the hamstring in the back of the thigh or in the lower back. Sprains occur when ligaments stretch or tear. Ligaments are tough bands of fibrous tissue connecting two bones together (in the joints). Parts of the body that are prone to sprains include the ankle, wrist and knee. While these are the most common injuries, other injuries include hip, back, neck and brain injuries.
Signs and Symptoms of Strains, and Sprains

Although the signs and symptoms an individual experiences will vary based on the severity of the strain, common symptoms include: inflammation; pain; muscle spasms and difficulty moving the affected muscle.

Again, signs and symptoms vary based on the severity of the sprain; however, common symptoms of a sprain include: bruising; inflammation; pain as well as difficulty moving the affected joint. When the injury occurs, some individuals feel or hear ‘pop’ in their joint.
Circumstances that May Cause a Sprain or a …show more content…

A wrist injury is likely if the victim lands on his or her outstretched hand while falling. Knee injuries occur when an individual pivots while placing stress on the knee joint. The most common causes of strains include slipping on ice or a wet floor.
Slip and Fall Injury Treatment in the Bronx

The initial treatment for strains and sprains include using the RICE method (rest, ice, compression and elevation). A mild strain or sprain can usually be treated at home; however, severe strains and sprains may require surgical intervention to repair torn tendons, muscles or ligaments. If the injury is severe, the injured area may need to be immobilized with a splint or brace.
When to Seek Medical Care

Ideally, individuals should seek medical care directly after any slip or fall; however, due to hormones like adrenalin, an individual may not realize that he or she is injured right away. Once the hormones return to their normal levels, pain may set in.

The injuries that cause a sprain can also cause more serious injuries, including fractures. Therefore, an individual should seek medical care if he or she:

Has pain over the bones of his or her injured joint. Cannot walk more that four steps without experiencing significant

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