Sleep Deprivation Essay

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Across the world, hundreds of individuals are being affected by one common disease, Sleep Deprivation. This common problem is becoming more detrimental to their health than various types of cancer. Many are losing daily sleep, in such a way that it has become a constant struggle to stay awake during work, class, and even worse driving. This problem has grown to the point of endangerment for not only the individual driver but also others on the road. This is an extremely serious medical condition that can set your daily life at risk. A higher risk of chronic health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke is developed from sleep deprivation and can create elevated blood pressure all through the next day.
Many individuals …show more content…

(Durmer & Dinges 2005). The average college student is sleeping 6.7 hours during the weekdays and 7.4 hours on weekends. The standard person needs 7.5 and 8 hours per night, which means that students, specifically college and high school, are not receiving the necessary amount of sleep to function properly. Single adults with full-time jobs had greater difficulty falling asleep than those with significant others and without jobs. “An estimated 40 percent of American adults admit that their work suffers when they are sleepy.” In general, no matter the assignment, the cognitive performance becomes progressively worse as the assignment extends. This can be classified as the effect of fatigue when the brain can no longer process any information and has chosen to shut down from loss of sleep. Specifically, college students are reported as to be suffering more than other entities from working odd hours, long studying sessions, excessive eating & drinking habits as well as taking periodic naps whenever they can during the day. In order to earn the necessary grades to stay in college, students have to risk their health in order to finish the assignments …show more content…

In order to be the best, he knew he had to work for it. It soon becomes a regular occasion for everyone is say goodnight and leave my brother downstairs hovering over a computer in the living room trying to finish his homework so that he may even get an ounce of sleep. It becomes even more common to wake up began getting ready for school, only to discover him downstairs still typing away on the computer. At first, I blamed it on his organizing skills and choose to believe that if he didn’t procrastinate so much he wouldn’t be up all night trying to complete assignments that were given two days ago. It all came to halt when I noticed the due data of one particular assignment. The paper carried bright bold lettering on the top stating that the assignment wasn’t until another three class periods. Why was he choosing to pull an all-nighter now rather than working on it periodically? When I later questioned him, it all began to make sense. Realizing that he was going to be very busy the next couple of days he had chosen to lose sleep now rather than later. On top of that, with a number of AP classes he is taking, he is required to complete five AP assignments over the course of two days. The workload had become so familiar to him that experiencing regular all-nighters every other day had become a natural habit. Don’t believe he was aware himself

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