Slaughterhouse Five Setting Analysis

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ORP: Setting
In Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughterhouse-Five the setting jumps between Germany, New York and Tralfamadore. The entire book goes over almost all of Billy’s life from when he was a young adult in World War II, to when he gets back and is an old man. When Billy is in the war he sees horrific things, which later leads him to going to Tralfamadore. Billy fights in the Battle of the Bulge and sees some horrific things like seeing Dresden go from a beautiful city to a place with “no food or water, and that the survivors, if they were going to continue to survive, were going to have to climb over after curve on the face of the moon” (229). Tralfamadore is a place Billy believes he goes. It is an alien planet which Tralfamadorians live

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