Skateboarding Persuasive Speech

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Skateboarding is a sport that many teens and adults love to do and watch all across America. Many people give skateboarders a bad reputation. They assume that skateboarders are rebellious, troublemakers, and don’t care about anything but skateboarding. I’m here to tell you that that simply isn’t the case. I myself used to skateboard and never caused any trouble or rebelled against authority, neither did any of my friends. Most of my friends were good kids who got A’s in school, participated in after school activities, and had jobs. We had a lot more on our mind than just skateboarding.
What the city of Jerrytown is proposing to do to Hollyfield Park isn’t a very good idea. Now that people are not allowed to skateboard in the park they will be forced to find other places to skateboard. These places could parking-lots, streets, alleys, or even businesses. Banning people from skateboarding in the park is just asking for trouble and people could possibly get injured without a safe place to skateboard. The second reason banning skateboarding from the park is a bad idea is because people come …show more content…

I’m pretty sure accidents have not only happened when people are riding a skateboard. People ride bicycles, rollerblades, and scooters and accidents happen. Is the city willing to ban all of these activities? If so the park really wouldn’t be much of a park. They would most likely lose the youth who come to the park to do these things. Accidents came simply be avoided by using commonsense (unfortunately there are some who don’t have any) and following the rules of the park. Perhaps the city should create new rules for these activities, or set aside a specific time for skateboarders, bikers, rollerbladers, etc.. when there are less people at the park, maybe even designate a portion of the park for these activities so that the park isn’t

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