Crossfit Persuasive Speech

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Whether it’s 7a.m, 10a.m, 4:30p.m, etc. I find myself feeling tired. It could be from just waking up or from a long day, but during any of these times I find myself dragging. I could resort to coffee or any form of caffeine to wake myself up, but it is not nearly as effective as going to Crossfit. When you walk into the gym you’re surrounded by the sounds of “workout” music and weights dropping to the ground. You’re greeted by your fellow Crossfitters and you chat about the workout ahead. Strength work comes first and that’s when my first jolt of energy comes. There’s no better feeling than completing heavy lifts; the adrenaline is unexplainable. It is especially energizing when you PR a lift, receive cheers from the others at the gym and …show more content…

These masterminds are Greg Glassman and Dave Castro. Greg Glassman was the first person to create the sport of Crossfit, but it was Dave Castro who brought it it’s popularity and made Crossfit the sport it is today. The buzz about Crossfit began in 2007 when Castro hosted the first Crossfit games on his family farm in Aromas, California. This event was nothing like what the games are today, “We talked about it and we wanted CrossFit events, people camping and just having a big party. It was a small event; we just invited the best that we knew in the CrossFit community, and in July, we had our first-ever Games.” (Myser). With 2016 being the 10th Crossfit games, the idea of a big party is long gone. Now athletes are making Crossfit a career in hopes of winning the games, claiming the title of “Fittest on Earth” and winning $250,000. With the image of the Crossfit games changing, so are the generalizations about the sport. These include, “Joining CrossFit is like joining a cult,” “Everyone Gets Seriously Injured,” “It’s All Like the Games” and “It’s Only for Crazy-Fit Folks” (Fetters). Without actually being a member of the sport it is easy to see how these misconceptions could be perceived as true, but if you are a member of the sport you would see that this is not the case. When I was an outsider to the …show more content…

“… social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermath as they are lived out in may parts of the world today” (Pratt 487). The idea of fitness and what works best is different among people everywhere. Us Crossfitters believe that our WODs works best, while traditional gym goers believe their methods are better. The social spaces or contact zones where Crossfitters and traditional gym goers interact are common areas such as social media, fitness expos, athletic stores, etc. Here is where the groups interact and can attempt to prove why their method of fitness reigns supreme. The contact zones for these two groups would not exist without the two different sets of principles surrounding fitness. If everyone believed in the same fitness principles we would all agree and there would be no need to prove why one fitness activity is better than another. However, these contact zones do exist and they allow people to be passionate about their fitness beliefs. These zones are where the Crossfit community can come together and tell traditional gym goers that

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