Situational Crime Prevention

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Situational crime prevention has been defined as ‘the use of measures directed at highly specific forms of crime, which involve the management, design or manipulation of the immediate environment in as systematic and permanent as way as possible’ (Hough et al 1980). It is sometimes referred to as ‘primary prevention’ or ‘opportunity reduction’.
The theory rests on the assumptions that offenders freely and actively choose to commit crimes, that the decision to commit the crime is made in response to the immediate circumstances and the immediate situation in which an offence is contemplated; and the motivation to offend is not constant or beyond control, i.e. it is dependent on a calculation of …show more content…

There is no doubt that situational preventive measures can cut crime in areas like burglary, vandalism, shop crime and auto crime. The ability of situational crime prevention to cut the incidence of violence is, however, in dispute. Clarke (1997) describes situational crime prevention as a theory that seeks to make criminal action less attractive to offenders by employing discrete managerial and environmental changes to reduce the opportunity for crimes to occur. This theory suggests that crime and public disorder can be prevented by reducing the situational and environmental opportunities that exist prior to a crime occurring. Thus, it focuses on the settings for crime, such as a crime hot-spot, instead of the offenders committing the crime (Clarke, …show more content…

The opportunity of crime becomes the key concept for assessing criminal risks in an urban context (Cohen and Felson, 1979). According to the crime triangle, the opportunity of crime results from the interaction of four elements; an individual willing to commit an act, an attractive and suitable target, the target and the willing individual in the same place at the same time, and the absence of any powerful protection at the target location. Offenders look for specific targets, which can cause lucrative gain but fewer risks. For instance, offenders prefer expensive and lightweight items. Any guardian protecting the possible targets increases the risk of being caught. Therefore, these kinds of targets are not preferable. Guardians refer not only to the official law enforcement employees, but also to other people, animal, or devices. For example, anybody staying at home or a dog is the guardian for a possible burglary target. Additionally, a wheel lock or a car alarm device might be the guardian for a possible car-theft

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