Sister Jude's Vision: Productivity, Prayer, Purification

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SISTER JUDE Hello. Remind me your name? (Sister Jude looks Lana up and down. She is wearing a yellow plaid 1950’s suit with a green turtleneck underneath it.) LANA I'm Lana Winters. SISTER JUDE Ah yes. You are here for the bakery. (Sister Judes gestures for Lana to follow her. She leads her upstage and up one of the staircases. Lights fade out and there is only a grey cyc lighting up the stage. The set is moved around into an office. Sister Jude and Lana are still conversing backstage.) LANA Yes. I'm told the bakery was your idea. SISTER JUDE It was, but it was the monsignor, Anthony Howard’s philosophy. Well, write it down. He believes the tonic for a diseased mind lies in the three "P"s: productivity, prayer, and purification. The bakery's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, we have such dreams for this place. …show more content…

Sister Jude sits at her desk which lies center stage right.) SISTER JUDE Have a seat girl. You're making me nervous. (Lana nods her head and sits in the chair front of Sister Jude's desk.) LANA What dreams did you have? SISTER JUDE Do you know what this place was before we were here? A terrible place. Disgusting. Unorganized. It was a mess. (Sister Jude shakes her head in disapproval of the memory. Lana notices her discomfort of the subject, so she changes the subject.) LANA Are all your patients remanded here by the state? SISTER JUDE Not all. The monsignor's a man of charity. You know where most of our wards come from? The ghetto. (A young nun, about early twenties enters from stage left hurriedly.) SISTER MARY EUNICE Sister. I'm sorry I didn't knock, but they said to tell you… SISTER JUDE Tell me what Sister Mary Eunice? SISTER MARY EUNICE To tell you that… (She lowers her voice to a whisper.) The bad person will be arriving any moment. SISTER JUDE Thank you Sister, but is the bakery ready for

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