Sinful Character Of Humanity In Sarah Irving's 'Beyond Stewardship'

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Sarah Irving claims in her article, “Beyond Dominion and Stewardship”, the profoundly sinful character of humanity means that not only have we sinfully misused nature to our own selfish ends, but that we must plunge ourselves into the task of using nature to build Christ’s kingdom so that Christian communities might be, as John Winthrop put it when he drew upon Matthew 5, “a city upon a Hill, a light unto the world”. Irving uses Winthrop’s sermon to show the Puritans should build their communities so they would show a glimpse of heaven on earth. Puritans were called to go on an errand into the wilderness, as nature, which was previously holy, had failed after the fall of man. The Puritans believed by taking care of nature instead of misusing

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