Similarities Between St Giles And Crispin

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St. Giles and Crispin

September 1st celebrates Saint Giles feast day to many, but it also celebrated Crispin birthday to very few, in the book Crispin The Cross of Lead. Yet St. Giles and Crispin more in common than just a birthday. Saint Giles is an appropriate saint for Crispin, St. Giles is the saint of the disabled, they both can’t provide food, and they both come from noble families that they don’t want any part of.

St. Giles is the saint of the disabled, the poor, and those in misery. Crispin is like the deer being hunted by the kings hunters. Crispin prays to St. Giles to protect him from the steward. Crispin states “ At length I flung myself upon my knees and prayed long and hard to our saint Jesus, to his sainted mother

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