Similarities Between Oryx And Crake

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In the novel Oryx and Crake by the author Margaret Atwood, the author should have focused more on the two characters Oryx and Crake as the title depicts. Instead, the whole novel is centered on one character Jimmy or rather Snowman. The story is seen as being told through the vantage point of one character as memories of events that happened in his life, this story is centered on human nature in the phase of scientific developments (Tolan 294). The story should have been written in a first-hand experience of events as they happen. The characters Oryx and Crake have not been focused upon compared to Crake and Jimmy (Atwood 22). These are sought out first as close childhood friends that grew up together then got separated later in life when …show more content…

Jimmy is the main character, and this is evident at the end of the novel where Oryx and Crake die; Crake slits Oryx’s throat which consequentially lead to Jimmy shooting Crake. This leaves Jimmy as the only and main character apart from the Crakers and from then on the story focuses on him in what would be his life after the world was wiped out by the pandemic. The thesis of this story is a focus on how the themes of romance, heroism, societal struggles and social disparity are exhibited in the story Oryx and …show more content…

Jimmy, the hero, is built and strengthened when he lives through the traumatizing and constant torture of questions from the government’s security and investigative agency called the CorpSeCorps. Jimmy also survives his high school and even though he failed in comparison to his friend Crake, he does not go back home; he manages to secure a place at the Martha Graham Academy; a school that specialized in undervalued arts. Later on, he secures a job at AnooYoo, a company that creates and markets beauty and age-defying products. Jimmy still survives after he falls into a profound emotional depression when the CorpSeCorps show him a video of her mother being executed.

Moreover, Crake helps him through his depression and offers him a job at his company. His ultimate heroism is seen when he shoots Crake after he had killed Oryx and so survives the catastrophic pandemic that had swept the whole world. He is left with the Crakers at a beach where he had relocated and even though he does not have enough food or join his fellow human survivors he still survives through the

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