Similarities Between Oryx And Crake

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The Sci-Fi genre often centers on the theme of control. Oryx and Crake, by Margret Attwood, highlights Crake’s ability to manipulate his friend Jimmy to allow Crake to control the current and future generations of inhabitants on planet Earth, whereas Octavia Butler’s Kindred focuses on Dana’s inability to control when she pulled back in time by her ancestor Rufus set against her ability to scare herself back through time. Control can be seen as a manipulation of current destiny, or an adaptation to the current set of circumstances. The use of science can be extremely useful in these manipulations. Man’s degree of adaptability has been in direct correlation as his knowledge of the known elements, properties, and physical laws of nature increases. …show more content…

Crake plans to control the future of the world by destroying it, leaving his friend Jimmy to tend to the Crakes, his created race of supposed improved purity. Crake also invents the BlyssPluss pill which will cause an airborne disease of epic proportions, supposedly wiping out the entire human race except for Jimmy and the Crakes, who will survive in the air-locked dome called …show more content…

Crake takes advantage of this lack by invention the BlyssPluss pill, which promises protection from “all known sexually transmitted diseases” . . .” would provide an unlimited supply of libido” . . . “and prolonged youth” (Atwood 294). Crake knows human nature to never be satisfied, therefore he can manipulate man’s lust for power by providing a vehicle to ensure man’s elusive concept of “more”. Crake discovers the parasitic human desire for more is as powerful as gravity, destructive as cancer, yet can be invisible to even the consciousness and conscience of its host. As the concept of more is considered the constant, Crake can then manipulate the masses to poison themselves by using false claims to appeal to their pride and fear of not being in possession of the newest and most effective remedy of the

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