Similarities Between Judeo-Christian And The Iroquois

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The two world creation stories from the Judeo-christian and the Iroquois do have quite different perspectives how the world has been created. But, are they some similar parts as well in the stories? And do you see these similar parts even in the culture too? Where are these differences and similarities?
The first difference is already in the beginning of the story: The Iroquois doesn't care about how the earth has been created, Skywoman did just fall on the earth. And that is how the story starts. In the Judeo-Christian story, god, as the one powerful man, starts the story by creating the whole earth in only 1 week. And on the 7th day he creates the humans as cute characters. But once these Humans (Adam and Eve) had broken the rules, God didn't want them anymore, and he made them to leave. So, there are 2 different ways how the stories start: In the Judeo-Christian story, the humans did something wrong and had to live with the consequences. And in the Iroquois story, was nobody, who did something wrong. Even after Skywoman touched the forbidden tree and fell down the birds still saved her.
And then in the Iroquois story two twins created the world. And even there is a quite big difference as well: the Iroquois don't beliefs, …show more content…

In the Iroquois Skywoman touch the leaves of the forbidden tree, and in follow of this, she fell down of the tree until the birds are catching her. And on the Judeo-christian story the forbidden tree carries some special fruits, that are forbidden to eat as well. So, in both stories the trees symbolize the greed, that the humans have. One other similar of both stories are the families: In the Judeo-christian story is the family described as a collective of all humans from Adam and Eve. In the Iroquois story, the family does only include all people, who helped to create the

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