Similarities Between Humans And Great Apes

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Take a close look at an ape. Doesn’t it resemble something you see in an everyday life? Focus on their mental states, facial features, and body structures. Most of these features are similar to us- humans. Considering the vast amount of similarities we share, many believe that humans have evolved from apes. Yes, there may be a significant amount of differences to prove it wrong, however it has been scientifically proven humans did evolve from great apes.
For the reason that humans and great apes share 97% similarity in DNA, it is proven that humans have evolved from great apes because of their similarities of being in the same primate group, having related body movements, and similar minds. Great apes might have a different look than humans …show more content…

If their body movements were to be compared, many similarities could be easily spotted. The way both mammals walk are similar, as well as their ability to use different objects, and to move around freely. First of all, the most eye catching feature that many people observe is their ability to walk. Even though their walking differs in a considerable amount whereas the great apes are knuckle- walking hominids, this does not prove humans did not evolve from the great apes. For instance, Selam, who was a 3-year old female juvenile australopithecus, had shown how humans came to move on two feets. It was discovered that Selam’s lower body was adapted for walking upright. (Haskings & Collishaw, 38) Similarly, Lucy had also proved humans have evolved from the great apes. Mary Leakey, who had discovered Lucy’s fossil had proven the evolution of bipedalism of great apes to humans. Due to the fact she had discovered footprints preserved in the ground, that were made by small primates who walked on two feets, had determined that bipedalism existed during that time and must have been passed down. Correspondingly, the ability to use different objects to complete different tasks are quite similar between the great apes and humans. For example, Kanzi (a bonobo ape) communication was studied by primatologist Sue Savage- Rumbaugh. She had observed Kanzi for many years and had discovered how they can make stone tools, …show more content…

Humans and great apes communicate very much alike, they both show a great deal of emotions, and their behaviours are very much identical, in which they all lead to the evolution of great apes to humans. To start off, even though you have never heard a great ape talk, studies have shown human and great apes communication are very much alike. Apes and humans communicates through facial expressions, touch, vocalizations, and body language. (Haskings & Collishaw, 47) As previously stated, Sue Savage- Rumbaugh has studied a bonobo’s communication. Throughout her studies, she has taught Kanzi how to communicate using graphic symbols. Kanzi was then able to say simple sentences, respond to requests, and have conversations with her human caretakers. (Haskings & Collishaw, 48) Although the learning capacity for language of great apes are more limited than humans, studies have shown that great apes have the capacity to learn many things previously considered to be only human. (Haskings & Collishaw, 48) To add on, great apes are able to employ sounds and gestures in a way that mirrors a human conversation. “Communicative interactions of great apes thus show the hallmarks of human social action during conversation and suggest that cooperative communication arose as a way of coordinating collaborative activities more efficiently,” stated by lead researcher Simone Pika. (Hays, 3)

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