Similarities Between Ancien Régime And The French Revolution

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Over the course of history, France has experienced many changes in its government. It has gone through multiple constitutions, weak kings, absolutist kings, warrior kings, and cowardly kings. This paper will draw comparisons between pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary French government systems.
Prior to the French Revolution, the Ancien Régime was in power; following the Revolution, King Louis XVIII ruled. Towards the end of the Ancien Régime, King Louis XVI and wife, Marie Antoinette, were the monarchs of France. Under their reign, many people began to get angry about their irresponsible spending and lack of good leadership of France. These monarchs spent 160 percent of their annual income every year, and as a result, had to call upon other kings as well as the Estates General for money. Shamefully, this was the first time a king had needed to ask the Estates General for financial help since 1614. The people’s anger about this outrageous spending continued to build up until it finally burst, and was one of the first, and biggest, factors leading up to the French Revolution.
The Ancien Régime was the form of the French government in the time leading up to France’s …show more content…

This means that the Ancien Régime requires a king who ruled with total authority in order to function properly. Systems with absolutist rulers enable those leaders to do whatever they wanted, and seldom did anyone dare to contradict them. Absolute monarchy reached its apex under the reign of King Louis XIV of France, meaning that he used his absolutist powers to the furthest extent of any French monarch in history. Although France is most well known for the use of this type of government, similar systems were used throughout Europe, Germany being just one example. After being ruled like this for too long, however, people likely would revolt, the French Revolution being the most famous

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