Sigmund Freud's Interpretation Of Antigone

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- Of course we can also look at this from a modern point of view if we look at someone like Freud. - He starts to get into his dream analysis and looks at Myths from a psychological standpoint. - He starts to think of Myths as revealing truths that are held in our subconscious. - Oedipus first shows up in Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) - All males want to kill their fathers and marry their mothers. - The phase of psychosexual development children go from age 3 to 5. From the end of Oedipus to Antigone, Oedipus’ two sons, Eteocles and Polyneices, have fought a civil war over the throne. They have killed each other. The National Theater of London did an updated version of Antigone placing it around 1920

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