Shut Down Your Screen Week Essay

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Schools should participate in Shut Down Your Screens Week. Shut Down Your Screens Week is when schools take all technology away and go right back to pencil and paper. Schools should participate in this project because when people are on the internet, they aren’t completely focused and on task, and when someone’s on electronics, they’re multitasking, and that can be especially harmful to children. Ad’s are also very distracting, Schools should participate in Shut Down Your Screens Week because when someone’s on the internet, they are never completely focused and on task. The internet is also addictive, and this is where ‘distracting’ comes in. Everyone nowadays are always on their phones, always taking pictures, always in the corner with the light from their electronic gleaming on their face. Even with kids, teachers taking phones, always telling children to put them away because they aren’t focused on the lesson. The internet is addictive, just look around. This is why it’s hard for some people to do work, kids to do homework. Some people argue that the Internet is good for …show more content…

Some people have five tabs open, one dinging because a friend sent a message, the other playing a song, the next one buzzing with a computer game, and the last two lively with notifications on social media. Managing all those tabs at once can be tricky, and harmful. Many multitaskers cannot stick to one thing at a time, they must be up and running. One study shows that multitaskers also have trouble at focusing and shutting out irrelevant information and are usually experience more stress. Others say that when playing a videogame, that multitasking is good because it improves reaction skills and people are able to pick out clutter. Well, that may be true, but video games aren't real, and games usually have more than one goal people have to hop back and forth

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