Is Technology Dumbing Us Down or Wising Us Up?

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Since the Internet has emerged from society, access to information has been made readily available for anyone to discover. The Internet connects us to the world everyday, whether at work or at home. It helps us communicate with others; via email, social networking, or blogging. With the absents of the Internet, our society would be missing out on a vast amount of knowledge. Therefore, the Internet is unmistakably beneficial for society to use as part of their daily lives. Also, cell phones have evolved from being solely in place for emergencies, to searching the Internet and paying bills. People of all ages are using cell phones, whether for work or pleasure. There are so many technological devices in our society; however, this technology can be misleading. People voice numerous arguments, both beneficial and non beneficial- concerning technologies in our world.

The Internet gives us a seemingly endless supply of resources; we can search for information, communicate with others, or use it for our own personal work or pleasure. The Internet connects us to the rest of the evolving world, in all different countries around the world. With the ability to seek information on the Internet, we can gain knowledge about an endless supply of topics. For example, if someone wanted to learn how to plant a tree they can simply navigate to Google and type in “how to plant a tree.” Furthermore, thousands of pages will appear with step by step instructions demonstrating the process of planting a tree. This knowledge has made our society smarter because we can figure things out on our own, but at the same time save money; we do not have to pay someone else to tell us how to plant a tree. It can really benefit students in school because it allows u...

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