Should We Raise Minimum Wage

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The question of rather to raise minimum wage or leave it as is has been causing conflict for the United States for decades. Some think raising the wage prices would be good for our economy and would help people raise out of poverty. On the other hand, people believe that doing so would result in the loss of jobs, an increase in poverty, and would cause harm to businesses. The first position proposes that changing the wage price is “vital to the economic security and would be good for the weak economy.” (NY Times) It is also said that if the $7.25 rate is increased by just three dollars, the poverty population would decrease by 2.8 percent. (US News) In contrast, many find that a greater minimum wage would affect businesses negatively and could actually lead to job losses. (NY Times) Businesses would have to pay their employees more, which in the long run could cause a negative affect financially for the companies, therefore increasing the number of layoffs. Also, having a higher wage would cause people to become more interested in applying for jobs when there would be less jobs available. (Wikipedia) …show more content…

I think raising the wage would only cause more issues for our economy. I understand that there are many in poverty who could use the extra money, but giving everyone more would only cause prices of goods/services to increase along with it. On Wikipedia’s article about minimum wage, it is said that the entire purpose of the wage is to “minimize the loss of jobs” and preserve competition internationally. I feel that raising the wage would only increase the job loss and would cause more competition with other

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