Should The Grinch Celebrated Christmas

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The Grinch’s family never celebrated Christmas. Every Christmas he was in his room wondering what santa brought other children for Christmas. His family didn’t believe that Christmas should be celebrated just for presents. The Grinch never saw a present with his name on it. Years after years he thought of a plan. A plan to destroy Christmas once and for all. “IF I can’t have presents, NO one can!” His young childhood faded, each Christmas the same old day. He thought of Christmas as just a time to sit in his room and make a plan each year. The Grinch didn’t want to ruin Christmas. The Grinch would’ve never thought of this if his family was like every other family in the world. The Grinch sat watching snowflakes fall, rain drops dropping, wind blowing, and even tree’s falling. The Grinch sat and thought each and every night. …show more content…

The Grinch started to hate Christmas more. He hated the singing, he hating the dancing, he hated his family, and most of all he hated CHRISTMAS! The Grinch couldn’t stand the Who’s. The Grinch had to live right next to them. Each and every Christmas became worse and worse. The Grinch started breaking the Who’s windows and throwing snowballs at the Who’s. The Grinch would laugh every time he made a Whovillian hurt. The Grinch sat and watched the Who’s getting their presents each year, planning more and more each year. Soon the Grinch will have the perfect plan. Plan A, the plan he always relied on. The Grinch started knocking down the Who’s doors and stealing their Christmas trees each year to make the Who’s

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