Should Teachers Be Paid?

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One thing that always comes up in conversation when talking about teaching is the poor salary that is given, especially in North Carolina. A teacher with up to two years of experience with a Bachelor’s degree has a starting salary of $33,000 ("North Carolina Public School Salary Schedules"). Because of this obviously low salary, majority people believe that a career as a teacher is “not worth it”. When telling people that I am an elementary education major, they usually respond with “Why, don’t you want to make money?” or “You better find a good husband who makes a lot, then”. Many people chose another career path because they are worried they cannot survive off of a teacher’s salary. This is why it is very important that teacher’s salaries …show more content…

This allows for a lot of stress on an already stressful job. Someone who is changing lives and society for the better in their daily work should not have to struggle to feed their children or pay their bills. When reading an article about poor teacher’s salaries, the author stated, “But over the past few years, we’ve seen over 60 percent of teachers working second jobs, dining with their children at food banks, and even selling their blood to make ends meet.” (Calegari). This should not be happening. Teachers should not have to get a second job or not be able to feed their families when they work very hard every day to better …show more content…

This would allow for teachers to be financially stable as well as be able to put more focus on making lesson plans and grading student work more effectively because they would not have the stress of multiple jobs to make ends meet. Teachers would also feel like their work would be more appreciated if they received a higher pay. The pay rate would reflect society’s appreciation for teachers in many ways, because teachers play such an important role in society by allowing students to grow intellectually and provide for society when they grow to adulthood. The majority of teachers nationwide are providing their students with school supplies out of their own pocket. A higher pay would allow for teachers to be able to provide for their needy students as well as their own families. There would be so many benefits outweighing the small amount of reasons why people think the teacher salary should not be raised. Raising teacher’s salaries would be the best resolution for teachers as well as the future for

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