Should Students Be Allowed To Carry Guns On Campus Essay

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Infringement of the right to protect ones self, in light or recent school shootings students are up in arms trying to change the laws denying them the right to the second amendment while on a college campus. Current legislation prevents students from carrying guns on campus even if they are of legal carry age but recently legislators have been trying to pass laws equaling students rights on campus to there rights off campus. Students should be allowed to carry guns on college campuses because it provides a greater sense of security to the students, Students over the age of 21 have the second amendment right to bear arms, and it would be a deterrent to people trying to cause students harm. With increasing tensions amount Students about what they would do in case of a campus shooting many would like to be able to carry concealed weapons giving way to greater peace of mind. "Other students say being able to have a gun could prevent assaults and robberies on campus, and keep students safer if a …show more content…

"Students have expressed concerns to me about their ability to protect themselves," said the bill's author, Sen. Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury, according to The Associated Press. "It's time we don't imperil their safety." The lack of concealed carry rights puts students on campus in a very dangerous situation by providing them with the inability to protect themselves. Students are most vulnerable on campus because of the current laws not allowing them to carry weapons on campus. "'I don't think people's rights to defend themselves should stop at the line of a college campus,' Steube" Students should be given the oppertunity to protect themselves, despite the safety concerns from colleges, because they have rights as citizens to protect themselves. If students were given the right to carry concealed weapons it would most likely act as a deterrent to any would be

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