Why Guns Should Not Be Allowed On College Campuses

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Guns Should not be Permitted on college campuses.

In the past years, several schools and college campuses have suffered many shooting attacks, killing innocent people who just want to become professional and finish their careers. Those shooters have been caused by other students that might have personal or mental problems that make them think that they can solve their problems by shooting and killing people. This is why many people are arguing about the second amendment, if guns should be allowed on college campuses. Some arguments are: students are going to be more secure and they will be able to defend themselves in case that someone starts shooting. However, there is also a large amount of people who believe that if guns are allowed on college campuses there would be an increase of …show more content…

Nevertheless, if the government allow people to bear a gun in schools, this might affect students in several ways. Students can feel afraid by the risk of losing their lives, therefore, their academic achievement might decrease or even drop their interest in getting a degree. Other students might feel at risk knowing the any moment the person has a gun and the power to start a shooting, killing all your classmates. For this reasons people do not want that the government allow guns on schools or public places.

Just as any other subject, guns being allowed on school campuses has cons and pros. Some pro-arguments are that guns can prevent a slaughter and safe many people’s lives in case someone try to use his/her gun against others. For example, if a person who is in a classroom, knows how to use a gun and also has access to one, if a criminal starts a shooting you can use your gun and shoot against the criminal and safe your life and the others’ lives. This is a great argument to allow arms on schools or public places because it would prevent people’s

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