Should Schools Have Snack Foods In Their Cafeterias?

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Schools should allow snack foods in their cafeterias. Because even know that the schools are trying to help kids are not eating the healthy food and going home and are filling up on double the snack foods [Taub]. Kids are not eating it because the are so used to coming to school and eating fast food which everyone likes.
To begin with the cost of fresh produce coasts more. The fresh produce is good for the kids,but it costs more to give that choice to the students. The school is used to buying bags of chips for the students to add to the kids lunch with a soda. Now that the government has banned them things in the cafeteria the schools are forced to buy an apple rather than a bag of chips it is costing the schools more. At the same time,they …show more content…

Experts say say that what schools are feeding kids are that is causing diabetes and chronic diseases. They say that kids are getting 50% of their calorie intake at their public schools. They say almost half young elementary school students can buy junk food. They also say that 68% can buy sugary beverages in the cafeteria or out of a vending machine that's is on property.
As a result most kids are not adjusting very well to this quick and big change. Most schools,as the government said,served fast food on fatty snacks. This lasted for many years until parents started complaining to the government that they did not want their kids eating what the schools are serving.
I believe that we should let snack foods in cafeterias, but limit them and slowly help kids eat healthy. The reason i think this is because i know that obesity has rapidly increase in the last 30 years but we are changing things too quickly. It is like the government is try to put every kid on a diet. The other reason is if kids don't eat at school because the dont like the healthy food the have what are they going to do. I know what they will do because i do it when i get home i snack on junk food until dinner is ready. When kids do that the are filling up on double to triple the calories. They say that kids were getting 50% of their calories at school before they changed everything. If kid get two meals a day at school breakfast,and lunch. If that's so they get 50% fat for to meals. The question is why are parents complaining because for 1 meal at home,dinner,the get the last 50 percent of fat. Know parents are feeding double the fat the the school feeds so why are they

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