Should People Stop Buying Pedigree Dogs?

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Should people stop buying pedigree dogs?
Selective breeding in dogs is a widely debated topic in today’s society because many people believe it is immoral and playing god, whereas other believe it to be a way to perfect a breed of dog.

Biological Background: Selective breeding is when breeders intentionally reproduce the animals together with the desirable traits, so that their offspring will inherit these desirable traits (, 2014). For example in pugs it has been deemed that the more rolls the dog has the more desirable it is, so the breeder mates the two dogs with the most rolls together so that their offspring’s will have the desirable trait (Tory, 2014).

Alternative Views:

Know what the dog will be like- When buying non pedigree dog it is always a gamble whether or not the dog you have bought as a puppy will end up being like. But when purchasing a pedigree dog due to selective breeding you will know what traits it has because it’s parents have been mated together due to these traits.
Ideal for show dogs- Desirable traits both physical and behavioral have been put forward for each type of dog, and having pedigree dogs you will be able to get the dog traits that you wish to put you in the best position to win the dog show you are competing in. …show more content…

There are two sides of the argument, one side debating that controlling the dogs traits is good so that we can put those desirable traits to use as best we can. The other argument is that selective breeding is immoral and can cause damage to the dog physically. I believe that we should find a middle ground and that dogs should be bred naturally unless there is a special need for selective breeding to be done (ie needing a calm dog in a retirement home). I also think if selective breeding were to continue it should only be through behavioral traits but not physical because that leads to many health issues for the

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