Should People Have Moral Right To Die Essay

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. Should people have the moral right to end their lives if they so please?
If an individual wants to end their life, due to age, illness, or any other reason, they should be allowed to decide for themselves what they want. As a culture, we generally look down on suicide, and even disapprove the thought of someone wanting to die. It is often delineated as being selfish, and often leads to preventative course of action to prevent suicide. However, if someone believes that he or she has a moral right to die, and someone else agrees or disagrees, then begins an ethical dilemma. In my personal opinion, if someone wants to die, he or she should be allowed to commit suicide, or be assisted in death. There are implementations, such as not allowing anyone not of a set legal age to commit suicide or seek out an assisted death. If someone has a utilitarian approach to his or her death, believing that they have no further purpose in life, who …show more content…

If someone is nearing the end of his or her life naturally, and he or she seeks to end it earlier, then that person is justified to end it if the individual deems fit. If someone is in pain, alone, or depressed at an elderly age, and if they feel as though they have lived a happy life, we as a society should not force our decision onto someone who no longer wants to be a part of society.

3. What does the phrase “right to die” mean?
The phrase “right to die” merely means that an individual has a right to die. However, this is a highly debated issue that determines an individual’s right to die. Currently, it is related to people who could continue life via life support or in a lesser capacity, such as in a vegetative state. Right to die also refers to the consent of terminally ill patients the right to commit suicide. Normally those exercising their right to die have previously established what they want in a will or a choice in receiving only minimum care to reduce pain (Right).

4. Do people have the right to seek assistance in

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