Should People Be Testing Before Having Children Essay

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Research Proposal: Should People be tested before having Kids? Children are a necessity to continuing legacies, and as such, they are vital to society. However, it would not be the best option for some people to carry on their genes, as they are unfit as both future parents and people. This is why I propose a test for both physical, mental, and emotional stability of a person before having children as my paper topic. Assuming such a perfect society would exist, this test would be given after a person turned 18, and would be kept in files of behaviors this person had before conceiving children. The people who passed these tests would also obtain a sort of licensing paperwork. When this adult has children, they will be tested once more before leaving the hospital with their child. Failing this test would result in the loss of the child, who would then be sent to a foster home, or relocated to fit parents. Don’t consider moving out of the United States just yet-most people would pass this test. The ones who would not are the type of people whose stories will be exemplified in the next few paragraphs, further backing up my accusation. The Huffington Post, a well accredited newspaper, has an article with an alarming headline: “Two arrested after video appears to show …show more content…

What would give me the right to think this sort of society would be acceptable, even though it is technically taking rights away? Well, consider this: “A report of Child abuse is made every ten seconds” (Childhelp, n.d.) and “five children die per day” (Childhelp, n.d.) in the United States. This may not seem like a lot in the grand scheme of things, However, considering there are 365 days a year, and five children dying per day from abusive parents, that makes the total number out to be 1,825 children per year. This number is only the number of cases actually reported; this doesn’t even include the children who died that were not

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