Should Mental Illness Still Remains Misunderstood?

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Despite its exposure through media, mental illness still remains misunderstood. Several people believe it is not an important issue. Should mental illness be taken as seriously as physical illness? Yes, mental illness should be as concerning as a physical illness because the mentally ill can harm themselves or others, affected employees could have a decline in productivity as a result, and loved ones and their families are negatively impacted by mental illness. In complex and severe cases, people with mental illness can harm themselves or others. In recent news, the shooter in the Parkland shooting, Nikolas Cruz, was evaluated for mental illness. According to the 2016 Florida Department of Children and Families report, Cruz struggled with depression, ADHD, and autism. Employees affected by mental illness could produce poorer quality of work and have declining productivity. 18% of the employed reported experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder in the previous month, according to the results from the U.S. National Comorbidity survey; however, employees are often reluctant to seek treatment for symptoms out of fear of jeopardizing their job ( Employees that remain untreated could continue to reduce productivity in the workplace. It is …show more content…

Mental illness can eventually result in physical complications. For instance, anxiety sufferers can have accompanying rapid heartbeat, chest pain, upset digestive system, lowered immune system, sleep problems, and fatigue (Healthline). Eating disorders pose a threat too. People with eating disorders may binge and purge or may not eat. Patients may have a low heart rate and blood pressure, which can lead to heart failure. Purging or vomiting depletes the body of important chemicals, wears down the esophagus, and reduce teeth enamel, which promotes tooth decay

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