What Is Mental Health Education Essay

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Topic The topic that I choose is mental health education for teenagers in school. Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. In schools we have classes focusing upon the physical and educational well-being of students but has ignored the mental well-being. The lack of mental health education results in people not knowing how to properly interact with mental illness both in others and with themselves. Not only is the knowledge of how to deal with mental illness an issue but the stigmatization that has derived from the lack of understanding creates a negative environment in confronting these illnesses. These misunderstanding can cause serious harm to those with mental illnesses. It has …show more content…

Mental health education raises awareness and removes stagnation which can help people already suffering. Purpose The purpose of this would be to help raise awareness for mental health, education on how to deal with mental illnesses both interpersonally and intrapersonally, and to remove the stigmatization around mental illnesses. Throughout history mental illnesses has received a negative connotation closely tied to violence and currently this stigma is still relevant. Mass media “references to people with mental health problems found more than four in ten articles in the press used derogatory terms about mental health and nearly half of press coverage related mental illness to violence and crime” (Esseler, 244). This is causing for people to look down upon the mention of mental illnesses and many times ignore the importance of confronting this issue. Therefore the importance of removing this stigmatization is crucial. Education allows to make more informed decisions and then changing the perception of mental illness can lead towards policy changes toward the improvement of mental health (Sakellari, …show more content…

The education of students is of course their responsibility but the most important thing to remember is that those in an administrative position is also concerned with the costs. The important factors to consider with administratives is the success rate of mental health education. Administratives would want to be certain they are getting value out of investing in the program. It would also be important to talk about the impact that mental health has on a student 's learning. It has been realized that mental health is closely tied to success in school. Young people who have emotional problems have been identified to be more likely to do poorly at school meanwhile those teeneagers who have higher levels of mental well-being have been recognized to be more engaged in classes and better academic success (Lavis,

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