Should It Be Mandatory To Stay In The Military

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On June 14, 1775, the United States Military was officially established. Since then, billions of people have enlisted and protected our country from countless enemies. Young men and women are constantly stepping out of their comfort zone to become one of the many proud soldiers who defend our freedom and safeguard our rights. People have begun a debate on whether it should be mandatory to serve at least one year in the military after high school and before college. Many think this is an invasion of freedom, others think it may teach valuable lessons important for later life. Personally I think it could be very beneficial to many young people to give service to their country, even if only for a year. First of all, I think serving in the military could provide many things that you could not get anywhere else. Soldiers are prepped with basic skills, such as loading and cleaning a gun, dodging physical and mental obstacles, and learning to follow directions and support other members of a group. These are all basic skills you must have later in life in your work force. Without these, a person would notice it is very hard to find and keep a job. …show more content…

As people we have become, and taught our kids to become, softer in the sense that we are a more sensitive generation. It is important to be compassionate and have empathy, but to be able to hold it together and be bit rugged in any given situation is also critical. The military could teach these skills to our generation and generations to come. A year is a short amount of time, also considering that you will not be forced to stay longer and you can recieve the benfits of college tuition. And the chance that we may have to go into combat with a foreign country would be unfortunate, but parents would know that their chidren were fighting for something worth dying

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