Should Immigrants Be Allowed To Stay In America Essay

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There is nothing more frightening than watching the world crumble around you. One malicious explosion destroys everything you’ve ever known and running away is the only way to start anew. You have to escape to the land of the free. However, if you take one innocent step over the border, you’re illegal. This is the story of 10.9 million guiltless immigrants in the United States. Because they came here unlawfully, their presence in America is opposed. Innocent immigrants, legal or illegal, should be allowed to stay in America and become citizens because it shows how desirable and diverse America is, benefits our economy, and doing so honors our history. America is declared the great “melting pot” because of all of the different nationalities and cultures inside our borders. Turning away foreign immigrants damages this defining aspect of America. Conversely, letting immigrants into the country “...introduces new ideas, new perspectives, new music & food, different customs, new forms of entertainment, diverse strengths & skills, and a host of other advantages” (Messerli). The world has a myriad of cultures, and you can find so many of them in one country in the great melting pot. However, if immigrants are refused citizenship, the diversity we have now …show more content…

Another very evident advantage is the positive impact immigrants have on our economy. Even though we have well-accepted the belief that immigrants harm our financial system heretofore, we have to realize that “Whether low-skilled or high-skilled, immigrants boost national output, enhance specialization, and provide a net economic benefit.” (Johnson and Kane). Immigrants are extra hands in the workforce, which means more product, more exports, and more income.Whether they have a white-collar job or quite the opposite, every immigrant strengthens and adds to the economy by increasing exports and hence bring in

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