Should Gun Laws Be Put In Place Essay

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As many people will have seen and heard, America yet again has seen another mass shooting, causing disruption and uproar about gun laws. Should gun laws be put in place? Will it actually change anything?

Many people would argue that gun laws in America should not be put in place, as the sales of guns, are supposedly for the purpose of protection. In most instances, the people who buy these guns, are using for their own protection; however, a very small minority are using these guns for purposes other than protection, but for killing.
Due to gun laws being put in place in countries such as England and Australia, we find that gun killings do not occur as often, as America. From the statistics of gun murders in Australia compared to the US, I can acknowledge that gun laws do completely make a difference. Australia in 2011, encountered 187 firearm murders. This seems a lot, but compared to the US, who had 8,583 firearm murders, Australia’s seems minimal. This is due to a gun law being put in place, to try to stop firearm murders.
America is now in a situation where, people all …show more content…

Two teenagers, who were aged 18, both had access to firearms. If firearm laws would have been put in place, this awful situation may not have occurred. Many may argue, that it would still have happened, as if they had an idea in their head, they would try to pursue it in any way possible. After this mass killing in 1999, Bill Clinton who was the current President of the United States, should have changed the laws on firearms and made it illegal for purchase. In a speech following the mass murder, Clinton said how “we must reach out to our children and teach them to express their anger and resolve their conflicts with words not weapons” however, he did not try to change the firearms laws, to help prevent, a mass murder in a school from happening

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