Should Ex-Felons Be Allowed To Vote

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Should Ex-Felons Be Allowed To Vote Imagine that you are a hardworking citizen laboring to benefit yourself and those around you, but because of your past mistakes you're not permitted to participate in any voting activities. We're all human and we all make mistakes as kids and as adults. Many of us seek forgiveness for our mistakes and learn from them. Ex-criminals are not that different from us. The only difference is that their mistakes were bigger than ours. We shouldn't strip these people of their precious right to have a choice in which they see fit to run their lives. Ex-criminals should be allowed to vote because many of them are innocent, they might change from their criminal …show more content…

By releasing someone out of prison that means that we believe that they served their time and deserve their freedom so then why don't we believe that they deserve their voting rights as well. We let ex-convicts marry, have children, buy alcohol, own a house and a car. But in many places, the fact that they can't be trusted to help choose our leaders is ludicrous. They have to pay taxes and bills to the government so why can't they have a choice on who controls all their hard earned money. The Eighth Amendment prohibits extra punishment for a crime, being unable to vote seems to be more than unnecessary. That means that these disenfranchisement laws are unconstitutional. Some might say that they have committed a serious crime that was a danger to society so therefore they should not be granted the right to vote. However if someone has completely paid for their mistakes to society, then society should return the favor and give them back their right to vote. By placing them in prison we choose what punishment is fit for the crime. So they should be able to vote because they have aready paid for the serious crime. When we release someone from jail we put them in a democratic society which means that the people elect the government officials. So why do we let them in a society where everyone has equal rights but we don't give them the same rights as everyone

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