Should Dress Codes Be Allowed In Schools

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Does having a dress code restrict students from having freedom of expressions? Girls are not allowed to show shoulders, guys can not show anything below the armpit, tank tops are prohibited. Any showing of a bra on a teenage girl is not allowed. Blankets, hats, gloves, slippers and anything covering the head is not allowed. Clothes shall not reference sex, drugs, profanity, and tobacco in any way. If a student is challenging any of these rules, they will be asked to change. If the student becomes tardy or absent due to these policies, it will be marked as unexcused. But remember, be you. Being you is a wonderful thing to do, but if you express yourself in the way you dress, you will distract others in the educational setting you are in. Students want to get rid of their school dress code because they can not express themselves, they believe that having a set of rules that prohibits what you wear is against the first amendment. The first amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Well, leave the first amendment at your …show more content…

Having a mix of white students and mexican students, the principal had to take action, and banning the American flag was his response. Well, the white students did not like that idea. They came to school wearing T shirts and bandanas that represent the American flag. The sight of the American flag on Cinco de Mayo seems to be offending to Mexicans and the principal wanted to end the violence and prevent any riots happening. The principal told the students who were representing the American flag that day to either remove the items or be forced to go

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