Oreos Anti-Ad Summary

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Oreos Anti-Ad 2 Page Summary Oreos have held true to be one of the most popular types of cookies across the world. Oreo has built its cookie dynasty through the powerful advertising campaign that help make the cookie so widely popularized. One of the key campaign methods that Oreo uses a wide variety of catchy and clever slogans. The most popular slogan that I am sure all of America has come to know and love is of course: “Oreos----Milk’s Favorite Cookie.” The moment when people hear the word cookie and milk in the same sentence, they instantly come to think of the signature crispy, chocolatey wafer that surrounds the smooth creme on the inside. Oreo has coined this term to be the definition of what the Oreo cookie symbolizes in society. Many …show more content…

“The Institute of Medicine,” a branch of the National Academy of Sciences, last summer confirmed that trans fat is directly associated with heart disease and increases in LDL cholesterol, the kind that can clog arteries” (Severson). Trans fat has proved time and again that it is the worst type of fat because it just sits in your body causing potential clogging of the arteries. Furthermore, multiple sources claim that Oreos are actually addictive. In a new study by Connecticut college, students researched the effects of Oreos on lab rats under the direction of Professor Joseph Schroeder. They found that Oreos activate the same “pleasure center” of the brain as morphine and cocaine. A later study by the same people found that the rats’ behavior towards Oreo cookies was the same as their behavior towards cocaine and morphine and even found that Oreos “triggered more neurons in the brain than cocaine or morphine” (Berry). In addition, one ingredient, HFCS, (High Fructose Corn Syrup), is known to cause problems such as obesity, increased insulin resistance, belly fat, and heart disease. What’s more important is that there are multiple types of HFCSs that have different amounts of fructose in them, and producers like Nabisco don’t have to identify which kind they are using

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