Should Children Be Taught About Puberty

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How should Children be taught about Puberty and Sex? A 12 year old girl goes to the bathroom like everyday, but something is different about today. She has blood in her underwear. Not knowing why she panics and asks to go to the nurse’s office. Explaining what a period is, she goes home and tells her mother what has happened. They go to the drug store and buys her pads and tampons. By the time she is 15 she takes health class for the first time. Going over the basics of the stages of childbirth and what happens during sexual intercorse. Teachers do not go into enough depth with the risk of not being abstinent. A change that transforms us from children to teenagers, even more uncomfortable when discussing the changes of your body and sex with …show more content…

Schools should bring in a doctor to tell students what is going to happen to their bodies. Gender dividing boys and girls with a male doctor for the boys, a female doctor for girls. If a parent wants to come to the informational meeting with their son or daughter that should be allowed, but a parent should not be able to sign their child out of hearing the lecture. A professional should be able to tell young students the changes that will go on with their bodies. Now, if a parent wants to have a separate conversation with their child about puberty that is fine, but they should not take their child out of the lecture. Some parents and faculty think that students should just read books about the changes that go on in their bodies. Students say that an scientific information based textbook will not be enough to help a student fully understand what is happening to them. At Winterset Middle school, two doctors came to the school when children get to the fourth grade, splitting the students by …show more content…

The health classes we have taken touch on puberty because as teenagers we know more about that topic. When the sex unit starts it does not go into as much detail. Talking about the scientific part of sex education and the definitions of the words like: penis, vagina, semen, egg, sperm, etc. Of course being a typical teenageer they will think that they already understand what happens during sex. But do they really understand the risks? High schoolers do not know the real risk when a girl would get pregnant. Two people, children, become parents because of an irresponsible mistake they made as the result of a dry cut health class. Not to mention a risk from having multiple sexual partners, think of the STD risk. An STD can cause pain, itching, sores, painful urination, and all could be in the genital area. There should be a specific sex education class in schools to talk more about the risks there are to not remaining abstinent. The point of the class is to go deeper into the sex conversation with students. Some students say that a “sex talk” with parents makes them uncomfortable and that they do not trust their parent/guardians enough to explain all of it, and that they would rather learn these risks from an educator. Teens don’t generally listen to their parents when it is easier for them to hear these things from

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