Why We Should Not Be Proud Of Canada

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Do you know that despite Canada being called multicultural and accepting, Canada’s history reveals many secrets that contradicts this statement? Such an example are Canadian aboriginals, who have faced many struggles by Canadian society; losing their rights, freedoms and almost, their culture. However, Native people still made many contributions to Canadian society. Despite the efforts being made to recognize aboriginals in the present day; the attitudes of European Canadians, acts of discrimination from the government, and the effects caused by the past still seen today have proven that Canadians should not be proud of Canada’s history with respect to human rights since 1914. First, is because of the attitudes of European Canadians towards aboriginals, which were mostly cruel and inhumane. This was simply because the aboriginals lived a completely different lifestyle compared to European Canadians. Evidence to support this was the statement written by Duncan Campbell Scott, who used to be head of Indian Affairs in Canada from 1913 to 1932. This opinion was shared by many Canadians. Scott wrote that “They are a weird and waning race...ready to …show more content…

This includes National Aboriginal Month and National Aboriginal Day (June 21), which recognize Aboriginal Arts, Culture and contributions such as how the Aboriginals aided the allies in WW1. Moreover, Aboriginals had also been given the right to vote in 1960 via the government of John Diefenbaker. Additionally, in 1982, the Constitution Act specifically recognized the rights of the native people. However, Aboriginal people have still not recovered from the events which happened in the past and some are still treated with

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