Should Batman Kill The Joker

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In the name of justice, Batman should kill the Joker. The Joker has already proven that he is unworthy of living in society. Time and time again, the Joker has committed cold-blooded, psychopathic murder without reason or remorse. In essence, his only purpose in life is to be a “force of chaos & destruction”. One might argue that the Joker can be jailed, or the government can deal with him, but this has already proven to be an unpractical solution. Batman repeatedly throws the Joker in jail for his murders, and the Joker almost immediately escapes and kills more people. Despite his knowledge of the aforementioned problem, Batman refuses to kill the Joker. Therefore, Batman is to some extent responsible for the deaths of all the innocent people killed by the Joker.
It is already an established premise that the Joker needs to be killed, but that only leads us to a more important question; By whom should the Joker be killed? It can be easily concluded through deductive reasoning that it is Batman’s responsibility to kill the Joker.
1. The Joker needs to be killed (by someone who is capable of killing him).
2. Batman is the only person capable of killing the Joker.
3. Therefore, the Joker needs to be killed …show more content…

Well, Batman is the only person capable of killing the Joker, so if anyone is responsible, it’s Batman. Now the only thing that stops Batman from killing the Joker is his famed moral code, or more appropriately as quoted from the Joker, his “misplaced sense of self-righteousness”. As the Joker himself acknowledges, Batman’s morals are misplaced. Killing is wrong, but not in this case, due to the Joker’s special circumstances. To understand better, we need to go back to what the whole point over here was, justice. The only way for the Joker to receive justice is to be killed, and the only one who can kill him is Batman. Therefore, I conclude, in the name of justice, Batman should kill the

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