Short Term Goals In College

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In college there are short term goals that I have to achieve if I want to be a successful college student. My three short term goals that is plan to do is pass my final exam, pass my U.S. History Eoc, and pass my research paper. To ensure I achieve these short term goals I will have to make a weekly schedule so I can make time to study and acquire the knowledge for my Eoc. The amount of time I will study each day will be one hour then as each day goes by my knowledge will increase due to the new pathways I am creating in my brain. Another way to ensure I achieve my goals is to make some alone time for myself and slow down on going out with my friends. I believe by doing this I will get less distracted when doing my work and make me stop procrastinating making me achieve my short term goals. By achieving these short term goals I will get closer to achieving my long term goals causing me to proceed further in my college life. …show more content…

The long term goals I have set up is to graduate my two years of college, get my job as a process operator for Dow Chemical, and get all A+ in my college classes I will take in the future. Although these long term goal seem difficult to achieve I believe if I stop my procrastination I will be able to get my work done ahead of time and have more free time to study or hang out with friends, This will cause less stress on myself since I do not have to worry about having to leave my friends again. Another way to achieve my goals is to cut out the time I spend on video games I believe if I get rid of my video games and play them on my free time only I will be able to carry on further with my college life since I do not have the urge to play with my

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