Ship Breaking Case Study

558 Words2 Pages

In the shore of Bay of Bangle, Chittagong business of breaking abandoned ship has been running for more than decades and this business is increasing day by day. It is a business of dismantling old, damaged and obsolete sea going on ship, cargo and oil tankers to meet the increasing demand of raw materials for re-rolling mills and other purposes. Ship breaking area along the Chittagong sea shore is situated on 22⁰22”N latitude and 91⁰E longitude, stretched 14km from Fouzdarhat to Kumira adjacent to Sandwip Channel and beside Dhaka Trunk road. Ship breaking activities were started in 1969. Before starting of ship breaking, Fouzdarhat area was an important place for recreation and in long past the area was covered by mangrove vegetation. In ship breaking process, at first materials such as wooden furniture, electrical goods, motors, cooler etc. are taken from the ship. The scrappers then collect oil residue and lubricants manually from the ship by pumping oil. The refused and non-extractable oil are thrown into the seawater. Finally the iron bodies of the ships are being cut into pieces...

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