She Kills Monsters Informative Critique

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The process of working on “She Kills Monsters” was one of the most interesting and enjoyable times of my life. From the second that I found out that GRCC was doing a show that represented Dungeons and Dragons, and did so in a positive way, I knew that I needed to be a part of it. I borrowed a script from the theater office as soon as it became possible to do so and began studying the script. I started building backstories for the characters in my head, things that were never explicitly stated became almost fact to me as I read and re-read the script. The show was a passion for me before I was cast and I let that passion drive me into the audition process and beyond. I remember the night that the cast got called to find out that we had been chosen to be in the show. I was ushering a performance of Dogfight at Spectrum Theater and had to excuse myself to check my voice mail. I watched the performance in a dreamlike haze, just thinking to myself, “In a few months I will be on that stage.” Winter break was had never passed so slowly before, as I studied my script …show more content…

From the audition process to enjoying everyone’s company one last time at The Cottage, this experience was amazing and eye-opening. I would say that there were no bad memories, but that would be a lie. All rehearsal processes have their slumps, nights when the cast and director just aren’t clicking properly to bring something alive on stage and this show was no different. However, years from now when I look at the framed poster hanging on my wall and think back to this show I believe that those nights where we seemed to take steps back rather than forward will be forgotten. In place of those will be the memories of the friendships that I formed, the wonderful feeling of being a part of my first non-musical performance, and the sight of Miles the Gelatinous Cube dancing across the

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