Sexuality In Brave New World

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In contemporary society, sexual intercourse allows people to show affection for one another whereas in Brave New World, it is based on the idea that detaching oneself from his/her emotions through sexual intercourse, leads to a greater feeling of happiness within the individual. I personally believe that sexual intercourse is meant to be affectionate, purposeful, and meaningful; to establish trust in another person and let go of your insecurities. There are probably many different reasons why people have sexual intercourse, but it’s the amount of importance behind the reasoning that truly matters. In Brave New World, allowing people to partake in inconsequential sexual intercourse strips away the right to withhold affection for another person. One of the ways in which the World State preserves sexual activity as part of their culture, is through simulated sex. According to the book, Brave New Worlds, it says, ““Going to the Feelies this evening, Henry?” Enquired the Assistant Predestinator. “I hear the new one at the Alhambra is first-rate. There’s a love scene on a bearskin rug; they say it’s marvellous. Every hair of the bear reproduced. The most amazing tactual effects.” The purpose behind stimulated sex is to get rid of the attachment factor. By Tuckwood 2 teaching people that sex …show more content…

Dr. Noam Shpancer, author of the article, Why Do We Have Sex?, states, “You and your lover do not bring sexual pleasure to the relationship. You get sexual pleasure from the relationship.” Sexual intercourse is not what’s enjoyable, it’s the person who you share that experience with that makes it enjoyable. A big part of how humans live, is with social interactions. We choose to make connections with people, because that’s what makes us happy. There are other ways to have sexual intercourse, but many choose to share it with another person so that they can feel a connection, creating more

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