Sexual Imorality

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In The First Letter to the Corinthians and Confessions, sexual immorality is a prominent issue on which both Paul and Augustine spent long lengths— Paul made numerous warning to people not to be immoral and Augustine was regretful about his adolescence years for having too many immoral sexual behabior. According to these two authors, sexual immorality is defined as any sexual experiences without getting married and is often known as adultery. Even though they share the same definition for sexual immorality, they differ from each other from two aspects: the cause of sexual immorality and the solution to sexual immorality. For the cause of immorality, Paul believed that the lack of control of physical desire is the main cause that leads to sexual …show more content…

In addition, their opinion also differs on the solution to the sexual immorality. Paul offered an effective solution for people to avoid sexual morality—getting married. “But because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband”( 1 Corinthians VII: 2). Paul admitted that people may encounter temptations due to their physical desire, but there is a way to prevent sexual immorality from happening—that is the marriage. Rather than “ being aflame with passion, it is better for people to get married because indulging in lust may lead to greater loss, for example preventing people from getting into the kingdom of the god or bring punishments from the god to those offenders. “ It is well for a man not to touch a woman”( 1 Corinthians VII: 1). Touch a woman does not only mean normal physical contact, but having sexual relationship with her instead. Of course, Paul did say that it is better for people to stay celibate as compare to having sex because having sex is regarded as a form of distraction from the dedication to the god. However, Although having sex is not favorable according to Paul, but having sexual behavior within in a marriage is permitted at least. Therefore, as Paul suggested that instead of burning and being attempted, getting married is an excellent way to have sex legally and avoid sexual immorality at the same

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